we thought you’d never ask.
bringing stories
From consulting to advertising to creating original stories for media, we help connect you to
the fastest-growing segment of cultural influence:
Black Women.
Why settle for chasing trends, when you can create them?
There are no cheat codes for reaching an informed, multiracial, justice-conscious, millennial generation who is constantly questioning the status quo. The only way to reach them is to know them. And we do. We are them.
The world has become increasingly diverse and so have audience desires. If you're struggling to meet those needs, you've come to the right place. Join the future by partnering with our Black-owned, women-led company for fresh and audacious insights and ideas.
We can help you create women-driven media: from podcasts to original series to branded content. We can assist in developing the characters in your script, assess your upcoming justice-themed campaign, or churn out bold ideas for marketing to women of color.
Let's disrupt your industry
and move the world.